1F., No. 1, Aly. 52, Ln. 12, Sec. 3, Bade Rd.
Songshan Dist., Taipei City, 105 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Opening Hours 營業時間
Tuesday週二 - Saturday週六:6:30pm to 10:00pm
Sunday週日 & Monday週一:Closed店休日

- Reservations open on the first Sunday of each month for the next month unless otherwise announced.
- In ordered to ensure the service quality of all guests, reservations cannot be transferred to another person with the exception of prior notification via email.
- We are closed on Sundays and Mondays, unless otherwise announced.
- We offer only dinner service, doors will open at 6:45pm, and dinner will start promptly at 7pm for all guests. We kindly ask that you arrive on time to be able to enjoy the complete dining experience, late arrival may result in missing prior dishes already served.
- Kindly reserve at least 3 hours of your time in order to fully enjoy the dining experience at INITA.
- Reservations are available for parties of less than 4 people. We reserve the right to refuse any last minute change of the number of guests in your party.
- We only accept reservations for adults and children 8 years old and above, please note that we do not offer children’s meals.
- A deposit of $2,500/person is required within 3 days after completing your reservation, the deposit will be deducted from your final check.
- Before paying the deposit, please carefully check the reservation date, name, number of guests, and food allergies. Your reservation is successful after a confirmation email is received and completing the deposit payment.
- Cancellation Policy:
- Cancellations made more than 72 hours before reservation time: no charges
- Cancellations made between 24 to 72 hours before reservation time: 50% of deposit will be charged
- Cancellations made less than 24 hours before reservation time: full deposit amount will be charged
- We only accept reservations made via “TableCheck”. Reservations cannot be made via social media comments, messages, or other methods.
- For Private Dining Room (seats 4 people) reservations, please inquire at [email protected]. There is a minimum charge of $21,000 + 10% for the 4-seat Private Dining Room.
- 每月第一個週日中午12點將開放隔月訂位,如有變動將另行公佈。
- 為了確保每位賓客有美好用餐體驗,恕不接受任何形式的代訂或是預約轉讓。如原訂位人無法出席,請提早來信通知。
- 店休日為每週日、一,如有特殊活動或店休將於社群媒體平台公布。
- 僅提供晚餐服務,入席時間為18:45並將於19:00為所有客人準時開餐。懇請您準時抵達以享有完整用餐體驗。如於19:00後抵達,將可能無法享用部分料理。
- 我們希望每位客人都能充分享受完整用餐體驗,懇請您保留至少3小時的用餐時間。
- 僅接受4位以下之預約用餐,恕不接受臨時更改人數。
- 僅接受成人及8歲以上兒童訂位,兒童餐點內容與成人無異。
- 由於我們需依據訂位人數準備每日食材,需預付餐費訂金每位NT$2,500,請於完成線上訂位後三日內完成匯款預付程序。
- 匯款前請再次確認訂位日期、訂位大名、人數及食材過敏等,收到確認郵件後並完成訂金付款後,方為訂位成功。
- 變更及取消:
- 72小時前取消:不收取任何費用
- 24~72小時內取消:收取50%訂金費用
- 24小時內取消:收取全額訂金
- 僅接受「TableCheck」線上訂位。
恕不接受經由社群媒體留言、訊息或其他方式訂位。 - 如有預訂4人包廂需求,請email「[email protected]」與我們洽詢。
- Our dining experience is curated around Taiwan’s seasonal produce, should you have any food allergies (including alcohol intolerance), please kindly notify us at the time of booking or at least five days before your dining date. We are unable to make any adjustments if informed less than 5 days before your dining date.
- In order to offer our guests the complete experience we have created, we are unable to accommodate guests with dairy, gluten, seafood, or meat allergies and intolerance. We do not offer vegetarian, vegan, or children’s menu options.
- Your reservation will be kept for 15 minutes, if you arrive late, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation or not serving the full menu; your deposit will not be refunded.
- We only accept guests above the age of 8.
- Please refrain from bringing outside food and drinks, with the exception of birthday cakes. Please note that a cleaning fee of $500 per cake will be charged should you decide to enjoy the cake here.
- To ensure the quality of dining experience for all of our guests, should you have any interview or photo/video shooting request, please email our General Manager Joyce Kao at [email protected] to discuss how we can best accommodate your needs.
- Corkage
- 750ml: NT$1,000/bottle
- 1.5L: NT$1,500/bottle
- Spirits: NT$1,500/bottle
- Dress Code: Smart Casual. We request that gentlemen avoid wearing sleeveless shirts, shorts, sandals, and slippers. For ladies, please avoid wearing slippers and sports shorts.
- 套餐以當季食材為主,如有任何食材過敏(包含酒精類)請於網路訂位時註明或用餐前5日告知,用餐當日無法做任何現場調整。
- 我們希望給您完整的?餐體驗,故無法對乳製品、麩質、海鮮、?類過敏等進?菜單調整,亦無提供全素、蛋奶素或兒童套餐。
- 訂位將保留15分鐘,若未能準時抵達,我們將有權取消您的訂位,訂金亦無法退還。如於19:00後抵達,將可能無法享用部分料理。
- 恕不招待8歲以下孩童,若違反餐廳規定,我們將有權取消您的訂位。
- 請勿攜帶外食及飲料,生日蛋糕除外(每個生日蛋糕將酌收清潔費NT$500)。
- 為確保所有客人的用餐品質,若有任何商業公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請事先與總經理Joyce聯繫([email protected])。若未經事前溝通,我們將保有最後決定權,謝謝您的理解與見諒。
- Corkage 開瓶費
- 750ml: NT$1,000/瓶
- 1.5L: NT$1,500/瓶
- Spirits烈酒: NT$1,500/瓶
- 服裝儀容:半正式休閒。男士請勿穿著背心、短褲、涼鞋及拖鞋;女士請避免穿著運動短褲及拖鞋